Friday, July 23, 2010

AFMS/CFMS Show - Fieldtrip Report: Jalama Beach - June 23rd

Trip Report: Jalama Beach June 23rd

Jalama Beach, June 23rd
Got to Jalama Beach about 9:30 AM, warned the gate we were coming, and found parking near the store. Weather was clear and cool, with the June gloom hanging about a mile offshore.
There was a lot of sand in front of the parking area, and a lot on the beach too. I walked to the north to scout the area, then to the south. There was alot of sand with pockets and stretches of rock below the cliffs.
It was about 10:30, so I headed back to the car to greet my fellow boneheads:)
A carload of RockChippers met me at my vehicle, and we sat down for a quick tailgate on whalebone- what to look for, how to attempt to tell the difference between bone and leaverite, what else was there (some of the best rootbeer chert I have ever seen), and what to stay away from.
The group headed to the south and I waited for any stragglers.
I headed south about 11:30 and found a couple specimens as I was catching up with the mob. A bunch of chert, agate, and possibly moonstones were found (as informed by a local who collected there regularly). But not much bone :( The rockbeds which usually yield the best finds were under a foot or so of sand for the length of the beach. We found a couple small pieces in the surfline, and the previously mentioned pieces, but that was all. I believe each family group in the car left with a piece of bone.
All in all, it wasn’t a great day for whalebone, but I could have been at work instead :)

Jon Meredith - Trip Leader

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Save Our State Rock...Serpentine Gets A Bad Rep!

Hello fellow rockhounds!

For years we have had the misfortune of being prohibited from collecting at one of California's premier mineral collecting sites, Clear Creek. The reason? Bad science regarding Chrysotile, the sometimes fibrous mineral in the serpentine group.

Now a group of anti-asbestos science unions, lawyers and awareness groups are ganging up to have serpentine removed as our state rock!

We can't let this happen for a few reasons but one big one is the fact that the bill is going to lump all serpentine minerals under the classification of Asbestos! That means MILLIONS of dollars added to each construction plan anywhere near a serpentine deposit, located in 49 counties in California!

While I have written a bit about this issue, the link above does a great job of laying out most of the information! Please take a look at it and if you don't like what you see, PLEASE repost these links on any blogs, forums or email groups you belong to! Contact your local politicians and alert the media!

What seems to be an affront to the mineral community is just the beginning!

This bill is just plain evil!

From - Justin Zzyzx
Zzyzx Gallery of Natural Science

Nikon's Image of Distinction, 2007 Dr. Stephen Lowry

University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Polished section of Serpentine rock (Serpentinite) (40x)